Friday, April 19, 2013

Pori Kuzhambu

Drumstick - 1 big size
Onion - 2
Tomato - 2
Turmeric powder - 1/3 tsp
Hing - 1/3 tsp
Oil - 3 tblsp
Mustard- 1 tsp
Urud dal - 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves - 1 spring
Home made sambar powder - 11/2 tblsp
Water - 2 cups

Heat oil in pan and temper with mustard , urud dal, curry leaves. Add onion and fry until it turns to golden brown in color. Add tomato and fry until it turns mushy. Add drumstick, turmeric powder, chilly powder, hing and salt. Mix well and fry for 2 min. Add water and allow to boil for 15 min or until veggie is cooked and thick gravy consistency is attained. Serve hot with steamed rice !

1. You dont add dal or tamarind to this kuzhambu. Its a simple dish.
2. You can also add smooth coconut paste as well. Add coconut paste after veggies are cooked and allow to boil well for 5 to 10 min.


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