Monday, May 6, 2013

Ennai Kathirikai Kuzhambu

Brinjal - 6
Onion -  1 big size
Gingerly oil -  5 tblsp
Mustard - 1 tsp
Venthayam - 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves - 1 spring
Home made chilly powder - 1 tblsp
Tamarind - big lemon size
Thaniya - 1 tblsp
Channa dal - 1 tblsp
Thoor dal - 1 tblsp
Red chilly - 2
Grated coconut - 2 tblsp heaped
Pepper - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/3 tsp
Arisi Thanni -  1 cup

1. Soak tamarind in warm water for 30 min and extract juice for 1 cup.
2. Roast channa dal, thoor dal, thaniya, red chilly and pepper in 1 tsp oil and switch off stove. Add grated coconut and mix well. Cool them and grind to coarse powder.
3. Cut brinjal from bottom side deeply towards top end. Dont completely slice it to pieces. Just put cross mark deeply. Fill the brinjal with ground masala.
4. Heat oil in pan and temper with mustard, venthayam and curry leaves. Add onion and fry until brown. Add stuffed brinjal and fry until color changes. Add chilly powder, turmeric powder, salt, Arisi thanni and tamarind juice. Mix well. Close pan and allow to boil for 15 min in low to medium flame. When all blends well and gravy thickens switch off stove. Serve hot with Jeeraga samba rice and Appalam. Add 1 tsp ghee on top. Wow! tasty and traditional ennai kathirikai kuzhambu is ready!

1. Wash rice once with water. Add 1 cup water and wash again. Reserve that for making curry and gravies. We call the water used for washing rice as "ARISI THANNI".
2. Choose small or baby brinjal.
3. You can use small onions here. Take 6 to 8.  Also you can add crushed garlic pods.
4. Use gingely oil generously for excellent taste. Once you finished cooking oil separates from gravy and floats on top.

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