Monday, February 18, 2013


Wheat Flour, Salt and water.

1. Prepare a soft dough as we do for chappathi. I generally use hot water so that the softness of chappathi retains for long time. Keep for at least 30 min aside and then start rolling to prepare them.
2. Roll the dough like we do for puri that is neither too thin nor too thick.
3. Place it on tawa and cook until golden spots appear, it will take 30 sec to 1 min. Take it out.
4. Then place the less gold spots side touching the direct flame. Your no oil puri i.e pulka will puff up then you can remove from flame and serve with spicy gravy of your choice.

1. Do not use oil . It will not puff up well.
2. Use minimum flour for dusting else the pulka will be dry.
3. Make small size pulka so that it will fit the flame properly and hence get cooked evenly.
4. Make use of both the burner that is one side tawa , the other for direct flame cooking for better results.


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