Friday, April 19, 2013

Carrot Halwa

Grated carrot - 1 cup
Milk - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1/4 cup
Condensed milk - 2 tblsp
Cashew - fist full
Ghee - 1/5 cup

1. Heat ghee in pan and roast cashew to golden brown in color. Take out and set aside.
2. In same pan fry grated carrot for 5 min. Add milk and cook until milk evaporates.
3. Add condensed milk and sugar. Mix well and keep stirring until it becomes dry and halwa leaves the pan. Garnish with fried cashew and serve hot or cold!

1. Condensed milk is optional. You can skip it and increase milk to 3/4 cup.
2. You can add almond and pista as well. Its your wish you can make it more rich and tasty!

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