Friday, April 19, 2013

Palak puri

Wheat flour - 3 cup
Palak - 1 cup (Just leaf alone)
Green chilly - 2 small size
Kasakasa - 1 tsp
Salt , water and oil.

1. Heat 1 tsp oil in pan and then saute palak and chilly until palak leaves shrinks. Remove from pan and after cooled down, grind it in mixi with 1/2 cup of water.
2. Mix salt and kasakasa with wheat flour. Add the palak mix and some more water to wheat flour and knead to tight and soft dough. Roll them to small pori and deep fry in oil.

1. You can increase palak to wheat flour ratio from 1:3 to 1:2. You will get nice thick green color puri!
2. You can also make chappathi with same dough.

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